How to install and setup PHP?
What Do I Need? To start using PHP, you can: Find a web host with PHP and MySQL support Install a web server on your own PC, and then install PHP and MySQL Use a Web Host With PHP Support You can simply download Xampp or Wampp Server on your PC. Just Search "Download Xampp for windows 7" (Or whatever your OS windows 7, Windows 10 etc). Click any site on google and download xampp server. Install it and setup. You can setup Xampp by finding any Video on Youtube. First program in PHP After successful installation of Xampp Server on your PC, Go to C://Xampp/htdocs Create here any folder and then create a new file with .php extention. For example crate a folder named 'TEST' and then enter to this folder. Test create a file 'test.php' with the code written below: <?php $txt = "PHP" ; echo "I love $txt! " ; ?> Now go to your browser and open your file with localhost/YourFfolderName/YourFileName.php For Example localhost/test/